GWO Working At Height and Manual Handling Refresher


Course overview

1 Day 

The aims of this course are to give the participants the necessary basic knowledge and skills through theoretical and practical training to use basic PFPE and perform safe work at heights, alongside safe and comprehensive basic rescue from heights in a remote wind turbine environment in accordance with Global Wind Organisation (GWO) Basic Safety Training (BST) Working at Heights standards.

Pre-exam requirements

In order to qualify for a refresher course, you MUST hold a current/in-date GWO Working at Height certificate

Course syllabus

  • The hazards and risks associated with working at height, specific to wind turbine generators.
  • Have an understanding of current national legislation regarding working at heights.
  • PPE identification, including identification of European/Global standard markings e.g. harness, helmet, lanyards etc.
  • PPE inspection, service, store and don the relevant PFPE, e.g. harness, lanyards, vertical fall arresters and work positioning equipment.
  • The use of the relevant PFPE, e.g. harness, lanyards, vertical fall arrest system and work positioning equipment.
  • The correct identification of anchor points and correct ladder conduct.
  • Safe evacuation and use of evacuation devices.
  • Rescue situations in wind turbine generators and use rescue equipment efficiently.


GWO Working At Heights Certificate

Age restrictions



£300 including VAT

Terms and Conditions & Refund Policy

Our terms and Conditions including our refund policy can be found here
